ΜΝ is an executive member of QJNT, B.of Directors. Created and directed the Science Communication Lab at ILSP, which set up the QJNT Synergy. Holds first degrees in Sociology and Economics, grad/post grad in Communication and Broadcasting (Boston U). Has headed a number of applied research projects, involving Communication and New Techs, As a journalist/producer has published and academically has focused on issues of Privacy, Technology and Citizen Rights. A contributor to “ElectronicFrontiersFoundation”, lectures frequently within QJNT in Athens and Vienna, on issues of the everchanging news/com environment. Founding fellow, at the Communication Committee, Lawyer’s Guild. Not a social media addict himself, holds a critical view towards the purely “Digital Natives” habits, from the point of view of what he calls “A unique-hybrid Analog/Digital generation”.